Changes in DockerSpawner#

For detailed changes from the prior release, click on the version number, and its link will bring up a GitHub listing of changes. Use git log on the command line for details.



13.0 2023-11-21#

(full changelog)

13.0 Fixes security vulnerability GHSA-hfgr-h3vc-p6c2, which allowed authenticated users to spawn arbitrary images unless DockerSpawner.allowed_images was specified.

API and Breaking Changes#

  • Add and require DockerSpawner.allowed_images='*' to allow any image to be spawned via user_options. (GHSA-hfgr-h3vc-p6c2)

  • Remove deprecated, broken hub_ip_connect #499 (@minrk)

  • Require python 3.8+ and jupyterhub 2.3.1+ #488 (@consideRatio, @minrk)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

The following people contributed discussions, new ideas, code and documentation contributions, and review. See our definition of contributors.

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@consideRatio (activity) | @floriandeboissieu (activity) | @gatoniel (activity) | @GeorgianaElena (activity) | @manics (activity) | @matthewwiese (activity) | @minrk (activity) | @Sheila-nk (activity) | @yamaton (activity) | @yuvipanda (activity)


12.1 2021-07-22#

(full changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • support cpu limit via cpu_quota / cpu_period #435 (@minrk)

  • Log post_start exec output #427 (@minrk)

  • Allow to specify a callable for mem_limit #420 (@zeehio)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

  • update release steps for main branch #434 (@minrk)

  • more debug info from docker when tests fail #433 (@minrk)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@1kastner | @manics | @minrk | @welcome | @zeehio

12.0 2021-03-26#

This is a big release!

Several bugs have been fixed, especially in SwarmSpawner, and more configuration options added.

New escaping scheme#

In particular, the biggest backward-incompatible change to highlight is the container (and volume) name escaping scheme now produces DNS-safe results, which matches the behavior of kubespawner. This is a stricter subset of characters than docker containers strictly require, but many features don’t work right without it. The result is for certain user names and/or server names, their container and/or volume names will change. Upgrading existing deployments will result in disconnecting these users from their running containers and volumes, which means:

  • if there are running users across the upgrade, some containers will need to be manually stopped

  • some volumes may need to be renamed, which docker doesn’t support, but can be done:

    docker volume create --name $new_volume
    docker run --rm -it -v $old_volume:/from -v $new_volume:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to"
    docker volume rm $old_volume

The main differences are:

  • The escape character is - instead of _ which means - cannot itself be a safe character and must be escaped to -2d

  • Uppercase characters are now escaped (normalizing to lowercase at the username level is common)

So affected usernames are those with - or uppercase letters, or any that already needed escaping.

You can restore the pre-12.0 behavior with:

c.DockerSpawner.escape = "legacy"


Another security-related change is the addition of SystemUserSpawner.run_as_root. Prior to 12.0, SystemUserSpawner always ran as root and relied on the container to use $NB_USER and $NB_UID to “become” the user. This behavior meant that user containers based on images that lacked this behavior would all run as root. To address this, run_as_root behavior is now opt-in

All changes are detailed below.

(full changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

  • Use default cmd=None to indicate using the image command #415 (@minrk)

  • add ‘skip’ option for pull_policy #411 (@minrk)

  • Add auto_remove to host_config #318 (@jtpio)

  • Make default name_template compatible with named servers. #315 (@danielballan)

  • SystemUserSpawner: Pass group id to the container #304 (@zeehio)

  • Allow lookup of host homedir via pwd #302 (@AdrianoKF)

Bugs fixed#

  • (PATCH) SwarmSpawner, InvalidArgument: Incompatible options have been provided for the bind type mount. #419 (@cmotadev)

  • Make sure that create_object() creates the service task #396 (@girgink)

  • avoid name collisions when using named servers #386 (@minrk)

  • Fix issue with pulling images from custom repos that contain a port #334 (@raethlein)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@1kastner | @AdrianoKF | @anmtan | @AnubhavUjjawal | @belfhi | @bellackn | @bjornandre | @blacksailer | @cblomart | @choldgraf | @cmotadev | @cmseal | @co60ca | @consideRatio | @cyliu0204 | @danielballan | @danlester | @efagerberg | @gatoniel | @GeorgianaElena | @girgink | @hugoJuhel | @jameholme | @jamesdbrock | @JocelynDelalande | @jtpio | @kinow | @kkr78 | @ltupin | @manics | @mathematicalmichael | @meeseeksmachine | @minrk | @missingcharacter | @mohirio | @myurasov | @nazeels | @nmvega | @nuraym | @parente | @raethlein | @sabuhish | @sangramga | @support | @TimoRoth | @vlizanae | @welcome | @Wildcarde | @willingc | @wwj718 | @yuvipanda | @z3ky | @zeehio | @zhiyuli


0.11.1 - 2019-04-25#

  • Fix some compatibility issues

  • Add more states to be recognized as pending for SwarmSpawner

0.11.0 - 2019-03-01#

New features:#

  • Support selecting docker spawner via JupyterHub 1.0’s entrypoints:

    c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = 'docker' # or 'docker-swarm' or 'docker-system-user'
  • Support total internal SSL encryption with JupyterHub 1.0

  • Add new DockerSpawner.pull_policy to configure pulling of images. Values are inspired by Kubernetes, and case-insensitive. Can be any of “IfNotPresent” (new default), “Always”, and “Never” (pre-0.11 behavior). Now the image will be pulled by default if it is not present.

  • Add image_whitelist configuration which, if set, defines a default options form for users to pick the desired image. image_whitelist is a dict of {'descriptive key': 'image:tag'}.

  • Add SwarmSpawner.extra_placement_spec configuration for setting service placement


  • Slow startup in SwarmSpawner could be treated as failures.


0.10.0 - 2018-09-03#

  • Add dockerspawner.SwarmSpawner for spawning with Docker Swarm

  • Removed deprecated extra_start_kwargs

  • host_ip is configurable

  • Added container_name_template configuration for custom container naming


0.9.1 - 2017-08-23#

  • Fix typo which would cause using the deprecated .hub_ip_connect configuration with JupyterHub 0.8 to crash instead of warn in 0.9.0.

0.9.0 - 2017-08-20#

0.9 cleans up some configuration and improves support for the transition from JupyterHub 0.8 to 0.9. It also reduces some of the special arguments and env handling, allowing for more consistency with other Spawners, and fewer assumptions about the image that will be used by the Spawner.

The following is a minimal Dockerfile that works with DockerSpawner 0.9 and JupyterHub 0.7.2:

FROM python:3.6
RUN pip install \
    jupyterhub==0.8.0 \

# Don't want to run as root!
RUN useradd -m jovyan
ENV HOME=/home/jovyan
USER jovyan

CMD ["jupyterhub-singleuser"]

In particular:

  • any image with the correct version of JupyterHub installed (it should match JupyterHub) should work with DockerSpawner.

  • any image based on one of the jupyter/docker-stacks should work with SystemUserSpawner. There is no longer any need for the jupyterhub/systemuser docker image.

  • The jupyterhub/singleuser image is now built from the JupyterHub repo, not this one.

  • jupyterhub/systemuser image is deprecated. jupyterhub/systemuser launches containers as root and relies on the NB_UID and NB_GID handling of jupyter/docker-stacks to setup the user.

  • The default jupyterhub/singleuser image has tags for JupyterHub versions, to ensure image compatibility with JupyterHub. The default image is now jupyterhub/singleuser:x.y, where x.y is the major.minor version of the current JupyterHub instance, so DockerSpawner should work by default with JupyterHub 0.7 or 0.8 without needing to specify the image.

  • Spawner.cmd config is now supported, which can be used to override the CMD arg. By default, the image’s CMD is used.

  • Spawner.get_args() behavior is now properly inherited, and args are appended to the spawn command as in other Spawners.

  • Arguments are now passed via .get_args() as in the base Spawner, rather than custom environment variables which user images had to support.

  • DockerSpawner.hub_ip_connect is deprecated when running with JupyterHub 0.8. Use JupyterHub.hub_connect_ip instead, which is used by all Spawners.

Some configuration has been cleaned up to be clearer and more concise:

  • DockerSpawner.container_image is deprecated in favor of DockerSpawner.image.

  • DockerSpawner.container_port is deprecated in favor of existing Spawner.port.

  • Inaccurately named DockerSpawner.container_ip is deprecated in favor of DockerSpawner.host_ip because it configures the host IP forwarded to the container.

0.8 - 2017-07-28#

  • experimental fixes for running on Windows

  • added DockerSpawner.client_kwargs config to passthrough to the docker.Client constructor

  • workaround bug where Docker can report ports as strings

  • bump docker dependency to new docker package from docker-py

0.7 - 2017-03-14#

  • Only need to set DockerSpawner.network_name to run on a docker network, instead of setting host_config, network_name, and use_internal_ip separately.

  • Set mem_limit on host_config for docker API 1.19

  • Match start keyword args on SystemUserSpawner to DockerSpawner

0.6 - 2017-01-02#

  • Add DockerSpawner.format_volume_name for custom naming strategies for mounted volumes.

  • Support mem_limit config introduced in JupyterHub 0.7.

  • Support will_resume flag necessary for resuming containers with DockerSpawner.remove_containers = False and JupyterHub 0.7 (requires JupyterHub 0.7.1).

0.5 - 2016-10-05#

  • return ip, port from DockerSpawner.start, for future-compatibility (setting ip, port directly is deprecated in JupyterHub 0.7).

  • Support {username} in volume_mounts

0.4 - 2016-06-07#

  • get singleuser script from jupyterhub 0.6.1 (0.7 will require jupyterhub package to run singleuser script)

  • get_ip_and_port() is a tornado coroutine, rather than an asyncio coroutine, for consistency with the rest of the code.

  • more configuration for ports and mounts

0.3 - 2016-04-22#

  • Moved to jupyterhub org (jupyterhub/singleuser, jupyterhub/systemuser on Docker)

  • Add rebase-singleuser tool for building new single-user images on top of different bases

  • Base default docker images on jupyter/scipy-notebook from jupyter/docker-stacks

  • Fix environment setup to use get_env instead of _env_default (Needed for JupyterHub 0.5)

0.2 - 2016-02-16#

  • Add DockerSpawner.links

  • Use HostIp from docker port output

  • Make user home string template configurable

0.1 - 2016-02-03#

First release